Ear Impression Requirements

Customer Impression Guide

To ensure a perfect seal with your custom AquaShields earplugs, it’s crucial to obtain deep, clear impressions that are free from wax blockage. If you suspect any wax buildup in your ear canal, please let your Audiologist know when scheduling your appointment. Be aware that a fee may apply if the impressions cannot be taken on the scheduled day due to such issues.

Once we receive your ear impressions, we’ll scan them electronically, and the digital copy will remain valid for four years. For children, please note that not all providers are equipped to take ear impressions. Contact us to confirm that a suitable impression taker is available in your area.

During Your Appointment:

  1. Initial Examination: Your Audiologist will start by examining your ear and ear canal with an otoscope to check for any existing conditions like Surfer’s ear. A video otoscope may be used for a detailed view.
  2. Setting the Otostop: A foam block, known as an otostop, will be carefully placed in your ear canal. This protects your eardrum and helps measure the correct length for the impression.
  3. Jaw Position: You’ll be asked to keep your jaw relaxed and still throughout the impression process. To help maintain this position, a bite block may be provided. Avoid laughing, talking, or clenching your teeth, as these actions can affect the seal of your earplugs.
  4. Creating the Impression: The Audiologist will use a syringe to dispense medical-grade silicone into your ear canal. This material will create a sensation of fullness, which most people find comfortable. The silicone takes about 2-5 minutes to set, during which time your hearing might be temporarily impaired.
  5. Final Steps: Once the silicone has set, the Audiologist will gently remove the impression and the otostop, then perform a final check of your ear canal to ensure accuracy.

For any questions or to confirm the availability of an impression taker, please contact us at support@aquashields.com. Thank you for choosing AquaShields—where your ear protection is our priority.

Audioloist Impression Guide

To ensure the highest quality and most accurate custom earplugs from AquaShields, follow these professional tips for obtaining the best ear impressions:

1. Complete Coverage: Make sure your impressions capture the entire ear anatomy, including the crus of the helix, tragus, and anti-tragus. Comprehensive coverage ensures a perfect fit and optimal protection.

2. High-Quality Material: Use high-viscosity, addition-reaction silicone impression material for the best results. This material provides the precision needed for a comfortable and effective seal.

3. Jaw Position: Keep your jaw still and open during the impression process. A bite block can assist in maintaining this position, which is crucial for a precise fit.

4. Proper Depth: Extend the impression to the second bend of the ear canal. For cases with advanced Surfer’s ear, using a slim otostop can help achieve maximum meatal length, ensuring complete coverage.

5. Sufficient Material: Apply enough impression material to fully define the helix and capture the complete shape and depth of the concha. It’s preferable to slightly over-fill to achieve the most accurate and comfortable fit.

By following these tips, you’ll ensure that your AquaShields earplugs provide the highest level of comfort and protection for your water sports activities. For any questions or additional guidance, feel free to contact us at support@aquashields.com.